Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Japanese researchers explain how inflammation causes gastric tumors

In 1982, researchers reported a link between chronic gastritis and stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori, triggering a flurry of research into this newly-identified pathogen. These studies made it clear that in addition to its involvement in gastritis, H. pylori was a significant factor in the development of both peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. But while the link between the bacterium and disease was clear-cut, exactly how H. pylori caused gastric tumors remained the subject of much debate.
Now, almost four decades later, researchers from Kanazawa University and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development have finally shown how inflammation caused by H. pylori infection causes the proliferation of gastric epithelial stem cells, leading to gastric tumors.
In a report published recently in cancer genetics journal Oncogene, the researchers describe how they built on previous findings to solve the mystery.
"We previously showed that tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), a cytokine that causes inflammation, promotes gastric tumor formation by activating a protein called NOXO1," says lead author of the study Dr Kanae Echizen. "What we didn't know was exactly how NOXO1 induces tumor formation in the stomach."
NOXO1 is a component of the NOX1 complex, which produces tissue-damaging molecules called reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS, or more accurately, the oxidative stress caused by these molecules, can result in mutations in the DNA of stomach cells, leading to tumor formation. Inflammation caused by H. pylori infection also produces ROS, increasing oxidative stress in the stomach.
In the newly-published study, the research team showed that inflammation caused excess production of NOX1-complex proteins in response to signals from NF-κB, a regulatory protein that turns on genes to combat stress or bacterial infection, and which is a major player in the inflammatory response. However, most importantly, they found that NOX1/ROS signaling caused gastric epithelial stem cells to multiply uncontrollably, resulting in tumor formation.
Knowing this, the researchers used a drug to suppress the activity of the NOX1 complex, which immediately halted the growth of gastric cancer cells. Even more excitingly, disruption of Noxo1 in a mouse gastritis model stopped the proliferation of epithelial stem cells.
"We have finally been able to show that inflammation enhances the expression of NOXO1, which induces the proliferation of gastric epithelial stem cells, leading to gastric tumors," explains Dr Masanobu Oshima, senior author of the study. "Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer worldwide and has the second highest mortality rate. If we can disrupt the NOX1/ROS signaling pathway in situ, we may be able to prevent the development of this aggressive disease."

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Are there warning signs of pancreatic cancer?

Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

  • Diabetes, especially if it comes on suddenly. Recently, the Mayo Clinic published startling research showing that 40 percent of pancreatic cancer patients had been diagnosed with diabetes one to two years before discovering they had a pancreatic tumor. Researchers believe the diabetes is caused by tumors that simply haven't been detected yet. The problem is, diabetes is very common, and the majority of diabetes isn't pancreatic cancer, so doctors are trying to develop screening tools to tell the difference. Right now, they say family history is an important clue. If you're diagnosed with diabetes that seems to come on suddenly and you have no family history of diabetes, bring this to your doctor's attention and ask for further screening for pancreatic cancer.
  • Yellowing of the eyes or skin. Even a small pancreatic tumor can block the bile duct in the head of the pancreas, causing bile to build up. This causes jaundice.
  • Itchy skin, palms, and soles of feet. A little-known side-effect of jaundice is itchy hands and feet. It's due to a skin reaction to the bilirubin, the yellowish brown liver chemical that causes jaundice.
  • Lack of appetite. An Italian study found that six to eight months before being diagnosed with pancreatic tumors, patients reported a sudden drop in their appetite and a tendency to feel full after eating very little.
  • Changes in taste. In the same Italian study, some of the patients surveyed said they'd suddenly lost their taste for coffee, wine, and smoking. In fact, they said, they felt "disgust" for the smell and taste of coffee and alcohol.
  • Abdominal pain. Pancreatic cancer sufferers remember this pain as a gnawing pain, rather than a sharp cramp or ache, and it radiates toward the back. A characteristic clue: the pain goes away when you lean forward.
  • An enlarged gall bladder. The same blockage of the bile duct that causes jaundice can also cause an enlarged gallbladder, as the bile builds up behind the duct. The good news is that an enlarged gallbladder can be seen on imaging tests, and it may even be possible for a doctor to feel it during a physical exam.
  • Pale, floating, smelly stools. If a pancreatic tumor prevents digestive enzymes from reaching the intestine, the result is an inability to digest fatty foods. So you end up with loose, smelly "floaters" as a result of the excess fat. Doctors say this symptom, in particular, can be an early clue and is too often overlooked.
  • Dark, tarry stools. Bleeding in the upper intestines causes this symptom.
  • Sudden, unexplained weight loss. Weight loss is not always, as many people mistakenly believe, a sign of advanced cancer that's spread to the liver. It can also happen because a lack of pancreatic enzymes is causing fat to pass through the body undigested.
Reference :Thomas Clark, former Health Consultant @ Quora.com

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Can type 2 diabetes be cured completely with a low carb diet?

Type 2 diabetes is evidenced by the immunity to the purpose of insulin and at the end insulin insufficiency.
Glucose levels are influenced by several factors such as stress, activity and by the type and volume of these carbohydrates we have.
The question we are addressing is when a very low carbohydrate diet is the best method to optimally manage glucose levels.
What's a low carbohydrate diet?
The term"low carbohydrate diet" is debatable because of the controversy in the scientific community on the sum of carbohydrate allowed in the diet. A low carbohydrate diet ranges between 30 and 30g of carbohydrate per day, consisting of largely"complex" carbs such as naturally occurring whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
The other problem with a low carbohydrate diet plan is that one size doesn't fit all. A woman weighing 50kg who absorbs 80g of carbohydrate can't be in contrast to a 90kg man consuming the exact amount. It may be sufficient for the woman, but definitely not to the 90kg man.
The Benefits of a low carbohydrate diet with Respect to diabetes control:
  • Studies have shown short-term improvements in blood glucose control, weight reduction, and CVD risk.
  • A low-carbohydrate diet also contributes to the avoidance of refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice and especially sugar, in addition to sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), which are usually associated with greater sugar ranges, the danger of obesity as well as CVD.
for better understanding consider - Small Steps To Prevent Diabetes

(Ref: John Winget, Medical Researcher at Abudo)

Friday, May 17, 2019

Can sugar cause overweight and obesity?

Sugar is very dangerous for many people because it does have addictive qualities. Your brain responds to the taste of sugar with a release of endorphins, the body’s own natural morphine.
Eating foods with a lot of sugar or starch and little fat, fiber, or protein tends to raise your blood sugar very rapidly, causing the release of lots of insulin. Over time, your body cells develop a resistance to that insulin, so you have high blood sugar and high insulin at the same time, which is Type 2 diabetes. In susceptible individuals, this is associated with abdominal obesity, elevated cholesterol, HDL, and triglycerides, and hypertension, which together are known as Metabolic Syndrome. All people with Metabolic Syndrome are obese; not all obese people have Metabolic Syndrome.
Unfortunately, in the US and Europe, fat was singled out as the cause of heart disease and obesity in the 1980s due to misinterpretation of early research (and, some say, political maneuvering by the sugar industry). Many people still believe that a low-fat diet is the key to general health, whereas research has shown that total dietary sugar intake, and especially sugar-sweetened beverage intake, are much more harmful. As a consequence, packaged and prepared foods were marketed as more healthful if they had less fat; this raised their glycemic index, as the starches and sugars are absorbed more quickly in the absence of fat. In addition, to make the lower-fat foods taste better, sugar was frequently added, and starches were added as thickeners to improve “mouth feel.” Low-fat foods are less filling than foods with fat, so portion sizes grew. People also began to drink sugar-sweetened beverages in high quantities, partly in an attempt to raise their frequent “crashing” blood sugar levels. The consequence was an epidemic of Metabolic Syndrome, and of obesity in general.
Eating foods with protein and fat in addition to a small amount of sugar, or eating foods like fresh fruit which contain natural sugars but also a good bit of fiber, resulting in slower absorption and lower peak glucose, is different from eating foods with lots of added sugar and no protein or fat. Sugar-sweetened beverages in particular raise the blood sugar very quickly, and are more likely to be consumed on an empty stomach, causing blood sugar to spike and then crash.
So, yes, sugar does cause the health problems you mentioned. Small amounts of sugar consumed at the same time as healthy fats, proteins, and/or fibers are generally okay. Fresh fruit, which contains fiber, is fine in moderation. Desserts, pastries, candies, sodas, fruit drinks, breads, biscuits, and cookies are generally harmful, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.z

Reference :Peri Dwyer Worrell, Chiropractic Physician, BS in Biology, Anatomy and Physiology instructor @ Quora.com

Sunday, May 12, 2019

What food fights diabetes? by Jennifer Fetzer, Advanced Practice Nurse Practioner at Performance Spine and Sports Medicine (2012-present)

Knowing whаt thе bеѕt foods fоr diabetes аrе iѕ essential tо bе аblе tо maintain thiѕ disease effectively. Implementing thе bеѕt foods fоr diabetes will аllоw уоu tо control аnd manage уоur blood sugar levels аt nоrmаl levels ѕо thаt уоu саn avoid thе complications thаt аrе аѕѕосiаtеd with diabetes. The good news is that prevention plays an important role in warding off these complications. By maintaining tight control of your blood glucose—and getting it as close to normal as possible—you’ll help your body function in the way that it would if you did not have diabetes. By following the strategy given at a roadmap to reversing diabetes you can decrease the chances that your body will experience complications from elevated glucose levels.
Thе ideal diabetes diet consists оf plant based foods аnd nо animal products аt all. Choosing foods thаt аrе lоw in GI iѕ аlѕо essential ѕо thаt уоu саn manage уоur blood sugar levels easily. Thе mоѕt important thing tо remember iѕ thаt уоu nееd tо make ѕurе thаt уоur diet iѕ healthy, nutritious аnd wеll balanced.
Fоllоwing iѕ a list оf ѕоmе оf thе bеѕt foods fоr diabetes:
Broccoli - thiѕ vegetable iѕ уоur bеѕt source оf natural chromium. Chromium iѕ knоwn tо enhance thе action оf insulin in уоur bоdу
Cabbage - thiѕ iѕ уоur source оf fibre; it iѕ a lоw GI food аnd iѕ a natural anti-inflammatory аnd anti-cancer food
Brussels Sprouts - thiѕ iѕ thе mаin anti-diabetes food available; thе great benefits include maintaining sugar levels within thе nоrmаl range required, it'ѕ аn anti-acid аnd anti-cancer food
Beans & Lentils - thеѕе аrе уоur source fоr dietary fibre; whiсh means it slows dоwn digestion аnd аllоwѕ уоur sugar frоm rising tоо quickly аftеr уоur meal. Ideal food fоr lowering cholesterol; beans аrе a good source оf protein аnd соntаin antioxidants, magnesium, folic acids аnd copper iron
Artichoke - thiѕ vegetable iѕ high in fibre, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus аnd оthеr trace minerals; it iѕ great fоr cleansing thе liver аnd gallbladder
Celery - thе benefits оf celery include lowering оf cholesterol, arthritis, high blood pressure, gout, аnd neutralisation оf acid
Spinach - thiѕ iѕ thе bеѕt vegetable fоr уоur eyes; thе lutein in spinach fights cataracts аѕ wеll аѕ macular degeneration. Spinach аlѕо includes calcium, vitamin K, iron, аnd folic acid
Cauliflower - thiѕ iѕ a good source оf fibre аnd iѕ lоw in GI. Cauliflower соntаinѕ vitamin B folate thаt helps with cell growth аnd hаѕ natural anti-cancer compounds
Asparagus - thiѕ vegetable iѕ great fоr depression; iѕ a good fоr detoxing, аnd iѕ a natural diuretic
Fenugreek - thе seeds frоm fenugreek соntаin fifty percent оf fibre аnd research hаѕ shown thаt it nоt оnlу lowers blood glucose but саn аlѕо reduce insulin levels, total cholesterol, аnd triglycerides whilе аlѕо increasing HDL, whiсh iѕ thе good cholesterol
Onion & Garlic - thе benefits оf thеѕе twо аrе similar; garlic hаѕ thе ability tо control blood sugar levels аnd hаѕ thе ability tо stimulate insulin production аѕ wеll аѕ helping thе liver frоm deactivating insulin
Thе bеѕt foods fоr diabetes аrе bу implementing quality healthy nutritious fresh plant foods; thiѕ iѕ thе key tо maintaining уоur blood sugar аnd avoiding thе nasty complications оf diabetes.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Kshitij Bhutada, Fitness Consultant (2012-present)

Friday, May 3, 2019

 Come Join us.. on November 21-22,2019 at kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Gastroenterology 2019 decodes the barriers across the world and invites to present the new scientific research in all the fields of Gastroenterology, liver diseases, hepatitis and its related aspects. Registrants are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for oral and poster presentation. In general we encourage more specific to the current research fields representing innovation and recent technologies. Abstracts received will be reviewed by scientific committee from aspirants and categorized as speaker talks and poster presentations.

Present your work and listen from the Expertise around the world on

Pediatric Gastroenterology
Digestive Disorders
Acid Related Diseases
Microbiota and diseases
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Gastrointestinal Oncology
Gallbladder and biliary tract Diseases
Liver Diseases & Hepatitis
Diabetes, Obesity and Surgery
Esophageal disease
Pancreatic Diseases
Gastrointestinal Pathology
Gastrointestinal immunology
Gastroenterology: Clinical and Diagnostics
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Gastrointestinal Radiology
Obesity or Bariatric Surgery
Recent Advances in Gastroenterology